Monthly Archives: January 2012

Hey Baby! We had another checkup yesterday, and got to hear your heartbeat again!  It was so much stronger and louder this time than last time.  You are getting so big that you are starting to push my uterus (your home for now) further up my body.  I’ve started to […]

14 weeks

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Well here we are folks! The 2nd trimester!  I’m excited to reach this milestone for several reasons….. mainly our chance of miscarriage drops to near zero, but also my morning sickness should be going away soon.  ANY DAY NOW.  Seriously Go the F away!  Today I am 13 weeks 3 […]

2nd Trimester

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An adaptation of  Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “How do I love thee, let me count the ways”  and a picture of my toilet.   Ode to Zofran by S.C. Atkinson   Oh Zofran, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee every morning, afternoon and night. […]

Ode to Zofran

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To my Son or Daughter, Whilst I eagerly await your arrival and already love you more than anything… I’m not as much excited about what you are doing to your mother. I’m not sure who first termed the phrase, “bundle of joy”, but I’m sure they were misquoted. They certainly meant, bundle […]

With love, Dad

Last week we got to actually hear the heartbeat for the first time.  I have to say, the best part was looking over at Will when we heard it and seeing tears in his eyes.  He is going to be the best father I could ever imagine. Here’s the quick […]

Hearing the Heartbeat

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Yay Sticky Rainbow! You’re still growing!!  You look so much more human-like now!   We had another ultrasound on Friday 12/30/11.  So your actual age was 10 weeks 4 days.   Your heartbeat was 174 bpm and looking great!  I have continuing problems with spotting, so the Drs are watching me very […]

11 weeks, we have a human!

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Dear Sticky Rainbow, Today Daddy and I saw you on the ultrasound for the second time!  We could see your heart beating away at 182 bpm.   Right now you look pretty much like a tadpole with a huge head, but don’t worry, you’ll be more proportionate by the time you’re […]

Sticky Rainbow

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Dear Baby, Today you are 5 weeks old! You are about the size of an appleseed/ sesame seed, and are several millimeters in length.  You look more like a tadpole than a human right now, but don’t worry, that will change!   Your heart is beginning to develop chambers and should […]

5 weeks

Dear Baby, This week you are 4 weeks old. You are about the size of a poppyseed and around 1mm long.  Your Daddy and I are sooo excited that you are going to be ours.  Keep growing baby!!

4 Weeks

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Dear Little One, Today (November 9th, 2011), your Daddy and I found out that we were pregnant with you!  It was so exciting!  We set a timer to check the pregnancy test, and when it beeped we checked together.  When we saw those 2 lines, I said “It’s positive!!”  And […]

Finding Out 11/9/11

That’s right, we’re back in business folks!   An Atkinson Baby is due July 23rd, 2012.    We have chosen to keep this pregnancy more under wraps this time, but since we’re almost out of the first trimester, we’re going to make it official on the blog     I have some blog […]

A NEW Atkinson Baby