Dear Babies,
You keep growing and growing and growing! Each month we have so many new adventures, it gets harder to keep track of them all! It’s September now, and Emme -we got rid of your beloved paci. You adore your paci, so we have been dreading this for quite some time. The pediatrician told us that the sooner we did it the better because it only gets harder. The first night we cut the tip off your wubanub and you were PISSED. The second night we just went cold turkey and took it away all together. You cried for a bit, but ended up going to sleep without it. Hallelujah! We are happy to be done with it! Some of the events we went to this month included Ben Barkley’s birthday at the indoor cave/ropes course. Lucas Walter this was the first time you have ever been on a ropes course, and I went out with you. It was pretty challenging to get both of us through, haha! But we had a good time! Also this month our good friends, Chavvah and John got married. We got to visit with all of the Johnsons- Laney, Terry, Andrea, Ben, Dan & Amy, John & Chavvah. It was so wonderful to spend time with some great friends.
We’ve visited with family, lots of time with PopPop and Muncle Mike, Grandin, Deanna, and Aunt Katie in Louisville. Lucas Walter, you love playing soldiers with PopPop and Muncle Mike. You beg them to play with you whenever they’re around. You both love playing with your cousin Grandin, and have a great time when we see him. Mama and Daddy have gone on some date nights around town, and you guys get to spend the night with Elyse, which you love. Daddy and I have a great time out with each other, but also miss you guys and are glad to get home to spend time with you. Lucas- your favorite restaurant is Miyako, the japanese hibachi grill. You beg to go there. You love the soup and fried rice. Emme, you hate the fire, but Lucas thinks it is really cool. You guys think it’s hilarious when they squirt the water at you, especially when they pretend the toy is peeing on you. We had a family outing to Shaker Village and had a blast, and followed it up with the hibachi grill. What a great day!
We also went to Tennessee this month and went out on the lake with Aunt Jera, Uncle Kevin, Jennifer, and all kinds of other friends! We rented a huge pontoon and floated around all day. It was so much fun! Sis, you weren’t feeling well but you still hung in there and enjoyed yourself.
We love spending time together as a family, we love you both to the moon and back, and to infinity and beyond (and to Blub, Blub Jr. and Cousin Blub – the fish projected on Lucas’ ceiling at night hahaha). Love you!