3rd Trimester!

Hey Man!

Well, as of Monday, we’ve made it to the 3rd trimester!! :)  That’s a big achievement.  You’re about 2 pounds and 14.5 inches long.  Of course you’re still kicking up a storm!!  It’s really cute how you respond to your Dad, any time you hear his voice you start flopping around…  Here’s a link to a cute little 9 second video of you kicking once you heard him:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1yxTMU_ykI

Yesterday I had a check up at the Dr’s office.  I’ve gained almost 20 pounds, wowzers!  My Dr said she was very happy with my weight gain since she said I was small to begin with.  20 pounds still seems like so much to me, but I guess if she’s happy, I’m happy!  She also measured my belly with a tape measure, and I was exactly where I’m suppose to be.  She listened to your heartbeat and you were squirming around a lot, and kept kicking the doppler so it would make a loud THUMP.  The Dr even commented “well, he’s an active one!”  You got that from your Dad 😉

There was also some not so good news from yesterday’s appointment… I got a call today from the nurse that I failed my gestational diabetes screen.  Next week they are ordering the more in depth test.  We’re hoping that it is just a false positive (which is known to happen with the screen).  I don’t have any of the risk factors for it, besides a family history of diabetes, but there are a lot of complications that can happen if, in fact, I do end up having it, so please please please let it be a false positive!!  We’ll know more next week….

Last night your Dad and I went to an infant class at the hospital.  We got to learn lots of stuff we didn’t know.  Even though we both are experienced with babies, there is always more to learn!  At one point they taught us how to swaddle a baby using a teddy bear, it was a sight to see!  My teddy bear had a tail, a fat poochy stomach, and his legs spread out, so he was not cooperating very well with me!  We also learned a lot about the hospital, and their methods, belief systems, and security systems.  We were very impressed with everything we learned.   Interestingly, the hospital where you will be born is named Central Baptist, and it is the sister hospital of Baptist East in Louisville, where your great-grandfather (my Pop) was a doctor for many many years.

Tonight we are going to meet with a lawyer to make our wills, and update our life insurance policies, and all sorts of other legal stuff.  We want to make sure you will be taken care of no matter what happens!  There are so many things to do to prepare for you…  we’re having a great time doing it all together.  Pretty much every day your Dad and I are thinking of different and fun (and some not fun) things to do together for you.  I am so lucky to have a man like your Dad who is as proud and excited to be having a baby as I am.  Also, he’s a better swaddler than me (and he couldn’t believe I stopped in the middle of class to take a picture of him swaddling a teddy bear!)






















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