New Son, New Guitar 1

To my Son,

We are halfway through the pregnancy now and I’m very eager to meet you. Hopefully, when you look back at these letters, you will see how much your mother and I already loved you before you were even born. I hope, thus far, we’ve done well raising you. You can read, obviously, so that’s a win. I’m know, being an Atkinson male, you are intelligent, funny, and ridiculously handsome, however, I hope your Coe half shines through too! Your mother is brilliant, driven, loving, and the best friend anyone could ask for. She’s honest, hardworking, and NEVER quits. Being a little stubborn is also a Coe trait… :) Be proud of your heritage, and always remember that you are both Atkinson & Coe, two of the most bad ass families I’ve ever known.


p.s. I hope you play guitar. In fact, you can play this one. I just traded some stuff for it. Your mother doesn’t know yet!






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One thought on “New Son, New Guitar

  • Sarah

    Nice guitar I didn’t know about honey 😉 It’s a good thing you’re so handsome! I love your post. And I love you. You’re going to be an amazing Dad!