To Our Baby Girl 1

Ohhhh the anticipation of finding out if you were a boy or girl.  We anxiously and impatiently waited for the day to come when we would find out.  For weeks I had been feeling you kick and flip in my belly (SO amazing!).  I love to know you’re in there.  You’ve still been making me sooooo sick and on two of my three medications to stop me from vomiting.  But, the day was approaching to make it all real.

September 11th I posted on to my facebook “I feel you kicking little baby! One week + 1 day until we know if you’re a boy or girl!”

September 17th I posted “Oh my GOD is it Friday yet so I can find out the sex of this baby ?!?! Ahhh I might explode!!”

And on September 19th I posted ” Boy or girl?!?  Girl or boy?!? Today’s the ultrasound to find out and I can’t sleep Squeeeeeeeee!”

Seriously though, we have been so so so so excited to find out.  When we asked Lucas if you were a girl or a boy baby he always said “Girl baby!”   I hoped and prayed he was right.   I have been wanting a girl SO badly.  I tried to prep myself for the possibility that you would be a boy, I knew it was a 50% chance and I didn’t want to be disappointed.  But I really really really wanted you to be a little girl, and your Dad did too.

I couldn’t sleep on the day before our ultrasound, I worried all night long that we might find out something was wrong with the pregnancy, or some other weird outcome.  I woke up feeling horrible since I hadn’t slept.  Luckily the appointment was scheduled for 1pm.  Your Aunt Katie came early and we had lunch, then Daddy, Aunt Katie, and myself headed over to the Dr’s office.  I got up on the ultrasound table and immediately the technician found your heartbeat and told us it was normal and healthy.  She then looked at your face, and your hands (10 fingers!), we looked at your legs and your torso.  While completely adorable, we were all anxious for her to move on down to the butt region and tell us if we were going to have a daughter or son!   She finally made her way down, and that’s when you decide to start dancing a little jig!  It was hard for us (with untrained eyes) to see if you were a boy or girl.  I didn’t think I saw any boy parts like I had with your brother, but then again, I wasn’t sure?  Was that a testicle? Yes? No? Testicle? Kidney? Ahhh I don’t know!   So after the longest 20 seconds ever, then tech turned to us and said “So are you ready to know?”  And all three of us said YES!!

She then said the most amazing words ever…. Congratulations, it’s a GIRL!!!! I couldn’t believe my ears.  Exactly what I wanted but didn’t think I’d ever get!!! I looked at your Dad and we both had tears streaming down our face. Daddy was squeezing my hand and we just stared at each other in disbelief.  I turned back to the technician and said “Are you sure?!?”  She said she was, and I pushed further to remind her she said you had been moving around a lot, and I just wanted her to be 100%.  I told her that if she overturned her decision in a couple weeks I would be devastated.  She looked back and me and said “Honey, she’s not going to grow a penis.”   Ha!  With that I was satisfied.  We were so so so excited!!  We got a bunch of pictures of you, and you even had your legs crossed like a little lady.  So sweet!!  When we left the building we sat right down on a bench and called your Grammy.  She couldn’t believe it and was so so so excited! As we let everyone know, the congratulations rolled in.  Everyone knew how badly we wanted a girl.  Our wish came true!

From there, Aunt Katie had to drive back to Louisville, and Daddy and I headed straight to the awesome kid’s consignment store to do some shopping for you.  We had such a good time picking out stuff for our DAUGHTER!  Daddy picked you out the cutest purple and white knit hat and it made us both cry- good tears! I can’t believe we’re having a girl!   I even bought my first ever bow.  Of course we bought some stuff for your big brother too, so he wouldn’t be left out :)

That next morning we spent 4.5 hours running around to every yard sale we could find and bought you a ton more clothes!  I don’t even know if they’re the right size or season or anything, but they were such good prices, we bought them anyways!  It’s a mound of baby girl stuff a mile high!  I’m sure it doesn’t even touch the surface of the amount of clothes you will have one day. Haha!

To summarize baby girl, we can’t believe it’s true.  Every day since Friday I have questioned whether I was dreaming.  Am I really going to have a daughter?!??  So amazing! We love you already! Grow healthy and strong baby girl, your Mommy, Daddy and big brother Lucas can’t wait to meet you!







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