Half Baked

Hi Baby Boy!

Today you are 20 weeks, half way there!!  It’s weird because the first half of this pregnancy went SO SLOW when I was sick, I couldn’t imagine making it through another week.  Now that I feel better time is passing faster, before we know it you will be here!    Today is the first day I’ve not worn my Seabands to work.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’m done with them!  My poor wrist are tired of being imprinted every day!

You are now about the size of a cantaloupe (6.5 inches head to butt)  or if we measured from your head to your feet, you’d be about 10 inches….the length of a banana.   You weigh about 10.5 ounces.  You can make facial expressions now, and are busy swallowing amniotic fluid so your digestive system gets some practice.

It has been a really fun week being pregnant with you.  You continue to get stronger and kick/somersault/punch/head butt me more often.  Your Daddy gets to feel you too!  So cool!   In fact this weekend we were playing you some music (I played Pachelbel’s Canon in D for you, but then your Dad overruled me and played Led Zeppelin instead.)  It appeared that you liked both songs because you started kicking away.  We were intently staring at my stomach and could actually SEE you kicking.  My belly would all of the sudden jump in certain places.  We watched you for almost an hour.

Tomorrow we get to see you again on ultrasound.  They will check all different kinds of measurements to make sure you are developing properly, it’s nerve wracking, yet exciting at the same time.   See you tomorrow our little man!


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