Emelyn- 32 Week Belly Update 1

Hi Baby Girl!

You’ve been such a trouble maker this past month!  My contractions continued since our last update, which resulted in several more visits to the OB to ensure you would stay baking in my belly instead of making an early appearance.   With each appointment, they used the ultrasound to make sure that the contractions weren’t changing my cervix.  I’m pleased to report that you just like getting into mischief, and are still happy, healthy and growing.  Each time they did an ultrasound, we got to see your sweet little face again!  We even saw you open your eyes- twice!!  The technician was really excited to see you opening and closing your eyes because apparently that’s pretty rare to catch on ultrasound.  We saw you moving your arms and legs around and opening your mouth as well.  Your legs are measuring long, taking after Daddy already!

Speaking of mischief, I also failed my 1 hour screen for gestational diabetes, so I promptly was made to do a 3 hr more in depth test.  The 3 hour involves fasting overnight (really hard for a pregnant woman), then drinking the sugar drink that spikes your sugar super high (making you feel like crap), then having your blood drawn every hour for 4 hours.  I finally got to eat around noon, and my arms looked like I was a drug addict from all the needle sticks.  Thankfully, I passed the more in depth test.  Phew!

As I am now in the 3rd trimester, it is a relief to get each week closer to your due date.   My belly is getting huuuuge.  And really really really really uncomfortable.  Your big brother is very sweet to you.  When he feels you kick, I tell him that you are high fiving him.  He will talk to you in my belly and say “baaaaaaby sissssster, my love yooooou”.   He has had a blast helping Daddy put together your nursery.  Even (accidentally) helping him put paint on the walls (eek!).  I came home from work one day to find Daddy and Lucas in your room with tools in their hands putting together your crib.  Lucas looked up and said “My putting together Emme’s bed!”  He was so proud that he got to help.  The whole family is excited for your arrival, These last 10 weeks can’t go fast enough!

And now, for my belly update:


Belly Update- 32 Weeks

Total Weight Gain- about 23 pounds

Sleep-  Insomnia SUCKS.  I have been waking up at about 3:30 several (most) nights a week and never being able to sleep again.  This does not bode well for a working Mom who has to get up early and spend all day at work.  It’s horrible.  Then after a couple nights I will sleep the whole night through.  Then the cycle starts again.  I’m so tired.  All. The. Time.

Symptoms- FINALLY as of 29 weeks, I am off of my nausea meds.  Yes!  I still get some waves of nausea, but for the most part, it’s gone.  I would dance a happy dance, if it weren’t for the horrible, awful, no good, very bad heartburn that has replaced it.  I can’t even explain the heartburn.  It’s ridiculous.  Even sitting straight up in the middle of the day I can feel it bubbling up, choking me, and burning my throat.   So that’s no fun.  I’m popping Tums like candy, and am now moving to Zantac to try and ease down the acid.  My OB has me on Zantac 150 twice a day before the next step, which will be prescription strength.  A combination of pregnancy hormones, and you crowding my stomach have made this wonderful symptom.  Thanks sweetie!  I also have a lot of aches and pains in my hips, back, and stomach.  Par for the course when you’re pregnant I suppose.  But man, you sure are rough on your Mommy!

Cravings- I’m loving sweets still.  Chocolate ice cream… yummmmmm.  The skittles we are trying to bribe your brother to potty train with- scrumptious!   I’m trying to be good overall though.  I still have my apple every day, and another type of fruit.  Oh and I really love dipping cinnamon graham crackers in milk almost every night.

Nursery- Wow! Sooooo much has been done since my last update!  Daddy got the whole room painted, and then we stenciled an awesome Moroccan style design on the bottom half of the wall.  It looks amazing!   And if that’s enough, we also have a world map completed above your bed, and the coolest, most unique suitcase shelves ever (made by your Dad!) on your wall.   We also got your crib and dresser in, and have moved forward on your travel picture name project.  It’s coming together well, and I’m really pleased with my design, and Daddy’s skill in making it happen.

Baby- You are about 16-17 inches long, and approximately 3.75lbs.  Your brain is growing rapidly, and becoming more wrinkly as it makes more room for all those brain cells.  You are constantly moving, flipping and twisting in there.  It’s like you’re running your own 3-ring circus!  Sometimes you move so much it even hurts me.  Your heartbeat is around 155-160 bpm, and you are still fattening up for life on the outside.  You are already head down and preparing for the big show.  Every week down is a week closer to your safe arrival.  Love you baby girl, I can’t wait to snuggle you!



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One thought on “Emelyn- 32 Week Belly Update

  • Aunt Pat

    Wow – I so enjoy your updates and photos. To me (not you) this time has gone by so fast. I especially love the photos of Lucas with your tummy talking to Emme. I didn’t know babies opened their eyes in utero. Do you think her photos (face) looks like Lucas? I can’t really tell. Seems she is more active in your tummy. I can’t wait to see her. I pray for you every day. Try replacing ice cream with Gelato and see if it helps the indigestion. There ‘s no air in it and it is better than ice cream. Soon – soon- soon. Love you guys.