I feel you!

Hey Baby Boy!
I feel you moving in there!!  What a cool sensation….  The first time I felt you move was actually the night we found out you are a boy.  I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and when I came back to bed I, without a doubt, felt you moving!!  I got tears in my eyes and woke up your Dad to tell him that I had felt you move.  It was an exciting day from start to finish!!

Over the past week, I’ve felt you move lots more.  Each day you’re getting stronger and stronger, and soon maybe Daddy will be able to feel your kicks from the outside.   Today you are 18 weeks, and about the size of a sweet potato.  You are practicing your kung fu, with kicking punching, flipping, along with some hiccuping and swallowing.  Keep growing Son!














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