Emelyn’s 36 Week Belly Update 1

Hi Baby Girl!

You have now been baking in my tummy for 36 weeks.  We are in the home stretch!  You are impatient (no idea where you get that from- haha!).  We have had recent troubles again with you trying to bust out early.  There were several weeks where you behaved since the last update, but then at 34 weeks 5 days you started misbehaving again.   We called Dr. Simms’ office, and they told us to come in.  I waited for your Dad to get to me, and we went together, fully expecting to be told everything was fine.  She hooked me up to a machine to measure my contractions, and did an exam.  The contractions continued, and I was already 1cm dilated and 60-70% effaced.  Dr. Simms decided that, since you were still early, she didn’t want to take any chances and had us head straight to labor & delivery (for the second time this pregnancy!).  The gave me a shot of medicine to stop the contractions, and had us hooked up to all sorts of machines to make sure you were okay.  After the initial shot wore off, the contractions started back up, so she had them give me another medicine- Procardia, that I take every 4 hours throughout the day.  We were finally released after 5 hours or so of them pumping the meds to stop the contractions.   So far, the medicine has been working.  Last week (after a week of being on the meds) I went back in, and they did a biometric ultrasound on you.  This is a more in depth ultrasound where they measure everything and look for signs of distress.  You scored a perfect 8/8.  They also said you were petite, measuring about 5lbs 4 oz, but perfectly healthy with a head full of hair!  You had one foot up above your head, with your little fingers wrapped around it holding on to it.  Your face was snuggled head down and towards my back, so we weren’t able to get any good pics this time.

Lucas is so excited about your arrival.  He keeps saying “Baby sister come ouuuuuuut”  “hi baby sister!” and kissing my belly.  He has a doll that was left at our house by Elyse that is dressed in all pink, he has named her “Baby Sister Emme”.  He totes her and his owl around with him.  He will get two baby wipes (not one, but two), and a diaper and pretend to change his baby’s diaper.  Then he holds her up to my chest and says “My baby drinks milkies from Mama’s boobs”  and then burps her.  He’s ready to babysit you already and he’s only 2.5!    He insists on sleeping with his baby and everything.  He is so so so excited to meet you.  You’re going to rock his world!

So, as this 36th week progresses on, I will be tapering back the contraction meds to an “as needed” basis as opposed to 4 hrs around the clock.  When I hit my 37th week on Friday we will stop the meds all together, and let nature take it’s course.  I wonder if you will come early?  Dr. Simms says that most of the time we are treating the adults more so than the baby, but that it’s not worth the risk of having a preemie.  Now that you are 36 weeks we are feeling much safer.  Keep baking a couple more weeks sweetness!  Oh, and if you don’t come early, your eviction date is set for Feb 24th!

Belly Update- 36 Weeks

Total Weight Gain- about 28 pounds

Sleep- Have I mentioned how much insomnia sucks? In fact I’m writing this in the middle of the night because I have been up for near 3 hrs since before 3am.  Make it stop!!!

Symptoms- Dr. Simms had to bump me up to prescription strength Prevacid 30 for my heartburn, I take it once a day and it’s changed my life!  I wish I didn’t take so long to start it in the first place.  I no longer have acid bubbling in my throat at all hours of the day and night.  YAY!  Of course, like I said above, the contractions have increased, so I’m also on meds for that.  Besides these two symptoms, I’m still not swollen, but the aches and pains just get worse and worse.  You love kicking my bladder, and generally poking me in places that hurt to be poked!

Cravings- Sweet tooth! Still a sweet tooth.  I have now spread my love of cinnamon graham crackers and milk to your brother who begs every day to eat them.  We also love chocolate ice cream cones.

Baby- At 36 weeks you are about 17.5- 18.5 inches long.  We found out at the ultrasound you are weighing about 5lbs 4 oz.  You are practicing breathing (even though it’s just amniotic fluid), and get the hiccups often.   You are head down, in the position for birth.  All of your systems are in working order, we just need your lungs to mature a bit more, and for you to fatten up.  It’s not much longer now baby girl.  We love you Emelyn Catherine Atkinson!


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One thought on “Emelyn’s 36 Week Belly Update

  • Aunt Pat

    Boy oh boy – no girl! She’s a little fiesty alredy. Well mom – it won’t be long now. After my babies were born I slept like I was in a coma! You will sleep again. So exciting. More prayers for a safe and fast delivery.
    Love you.