Telling my family 7

So, as soon as we found out we were pregnant, I had to hatch a plan to tell my family.  I didn’t want to just call, so we waited until the next weekend to go in town and visit.  Joey was my first victim… he was the only one home when we got to the house, and I handed him my lab paperwork that showed my hCG number, and I wrote ‘PREGNANT!” and highlighted it in bright yellow.  He took awhile to put it together that it was MY paperwork, so I said “You’re going to be an Uncle!”,  to that his eyes got really big and he dropped the paperwork and gave me a big hug saying “I’m going to be an Uncle!”  It was a classic response!   Next my Dad was getting home, so I did the paperwork trick on him too! He was surprised and said he would have been fine with a baby weiner dog, but this will do too (ha!).  We were all waiting on Katie to get to the house, and of course she was hours late.  I bought her a onesie that says “My Auntie Rocks” and when she finally arrived I had it in a bag with some

other stuff and I threw it on her lap.  See the video of when she opened the bag (check out that face!)at the end of the post.  For the next 24 hours she randomly yelled out “I’m going to be an Aunt!”  and “Baby on Board!” and “I’m so fucking excited!”   I thought she might have been developing Tourettes!  

So, Katie, Joey and I then called my Mom (who we couldn’t get hold of till hours later) and Michael.  Michael said “Oh shit!  Really?!?”  That’s awesome!”  and when we finally got my Mom  on the phone, she said “That’s Fantastic!!”   So to summarize, the reveal went great!! Now if the next 8 months would fly by faster, we’d be set!

See the video of Katie’s reaction below!

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