Emelyn- 24 weeks- Viability Day! 1

Hi Baby Girl!

Yesterday marked 24 weeks of pregnancy.  This is an important day known as “Viability Day” because you officially would have a chance to survive outside my belly if you were born right now.  But don’t get any wise ideas… it is by far safest for you in my belly.  I’m your own personal walking incubator.

You are about the size of a cantaloupe and length of an ear of corn.  Around a foot long, and weighing about 1.3 to 1.5 pounds.  I have gained about 10 pounds so far with my body ever changing to support you.  Your brain is quickly growing, and your taste buds are continuing to develop, as well as the branches of your lungs to help you breath when you are born.    You are such a strong kicker! I can feel you moving and punching and kicking all the time.  Big brother Lucas is going to have a ninja sister on his hands when you’re born!  I’m sure he’ll love it.  Daddy has enjoyed getting to feel (and see!) your movements.  Even Lucas has joined in to putting his hand on my belly to feel you, although he’d rather blow raspberries on it.

You have now developed eye lashes, eyebrows, and even hair (probably while I’m feeling so much heartburn!) You are starting to get a pink glow to your skin.  You can also hear me talking, and most likely even Daddy talking now.  You will recognize our voices at birth.  So, so amazing for such a tiny little baby.

We are moving forward on your nursery, trying to make sure it is perfect for you.  Your furniture and chair has been ordered, some cool artsy projects have been bought that we are going to create for you.   We are making sure that the same amount of love and attention we gave to Lucas’ nursery is also being done for yours.  We are pouring our skills and love, and every bit of artsiness in our bodies to create a wonderful room for you to grow in.   We talk about you a lot with Lucas.  He already knows which room is yours, and which clothes.  He’ll announce that something is “Emme’s”    I think you two are going to have an unbreakable bond.  He’s already looking out for you!

Keep growing baby girl!



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One thought on “Emelyn- 24 weeks- Viability Day!

  • Aunt Pat

    Your really showing now – into the home stretch now. You really seem great at this being a parent and having babies. So cool. Many blessings to you all.