My appendix crashed Will’s Birthday

I mean seriously, this month SUCKS.  Termites and then an emergency appendectomy?  WTF?!?   So, on Will’s 31st birthday my appendix decided to revolt against me and totally ruin his birthday dinner I had organized.  Grrrr!

It started out with a lot of pain and throwing up.  Keeping in mind we’re trying to get pregnant, and I ovulated most likely on the 8th so it is very possible that I am pregnant right now.  So basically, this is really fucking bad timing.  I tried to turn down the xray because of a possible pregnancy, but then my labs came back with an abnormally high amount of white blood cells.  So I consented to the xray, which showed nothing.  Then they ordered a CT scan, which has a lot higher amounts of radiation.  They kept telling me I wasn’t pregnant because they ran an HCG on me, and I kept trying to explain that it wouldn’t show up yet because I had only ovulated 2 days earlier.  It was frustrating, but finally the Dr (instead of the nurses) came in and spoke with me.  Basically she said she understood that I might be pregnant, but at this point the risk was worth taking because we absolutely had to find out what was wrong.  SO, to make a long story short-ish, I had the CT scan, and they found out I had acute appendicitis and had to have an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy. 

So, I’ve now had copious amounts of morphine, anti-nausea meds, an x ray, a CT scan, general anesthesia, surgery on my abdomen, and more pain meds/anti nausea meds.  All I keep thinking is I’d be so scared if I were pregnant.  So worried that something would be wrong with the baby.  I guess we’ll see……

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