8 Weeks 1

Hi Baby Man,

On Thursday you turned 8 weeks old.  You are getting astondingly more reactive.  If we stick out our tongue at you, you even laugh and copy us!  It’s so strange to see an 8 week old stick his tongue back out at me!     We’ve had a rough week amongst all the head drama, and my first week away from you back at work.   You went to the pediatrician’s yesterday for your first round of vaccines.  You did NOT like those shots!  Daddy held you down, while I tried not to cry (unsuccessful).  You weighed 11 lbs 12 oz, and were 23.5 inches long.    That puts you in the 56% for weight and the 73% for height.  Tall boy!! Just like Daddy :)










Look at these two pictures from when you were tiny, and now…. big boy!

Overall you are going a long time at night without eating (from about 9pm to 6am) but you don’t sleep that whole time.  We mostly have to bounce you or give you a pacifier or just pick you up (normally your awesome Daddy will get up with you).   I wouldn’t really consider it “sleeping through the night” yet because even though you don’t eat through the night, you aren’t sleeping either.  I’m sure it will get better some day. We’ve had some crazy sleep deprived fun nights as evidenced by the photo series below (by the way, your Dad was really asleep in that last one!)

You did great this week with Elyse, but it’s hard for me to be away from you all day.  I feel like I’m missing so much.  When I get home, all you want to do is nurse the entire rest of the night.  You don’t necessarily want to eat the whole time, but you want to lay on my chest and pretend to nurse.  I guess it’s your way of showing me you missed me :)  I love you Lucas Walter!
















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One thought on “8 Weeks

  • Aunt Pat

    That is an inch a week of growth. Wow – a little weed. He is going to be tall. Bet your glad he did push ups on your ribs.You sound so cheerful for a sleep deprived, justifiably worried mom. You are all in my daily prayers. Everything will be O.K. Its obvious this child is
    very intelligent – I never heard of a baby sticking his tongue out and mimicking at such a young age. Makes me look forward to 1 yr old – he’ll be singing and playing guitar by then. Keep the faith!!!!