Letter from Dad…


You were born one week ago, but it seems like yesterday. Maybe that’s because we haven’t slept since then… Nonetheless, this week has been filled with incredible emotion. People always say that when you have a child, you discover a love that is different from anything you have ever experienced; they are absolutely correct. From the moment we laid eyes on you, there was no doubt in our minds, that we would do anything and everything to keep you safe and happy. Watching the struggle your Mom went through to bring you to us, and seeing the strength you demonstrated to overcome a difficult birth makes me unimaginably proud of both of you. Your Mother is an amazing woman, as you will soon come to understand. We are both very lucky guys…

For the record, there are few things I want to jot down, in case I forget. You’ve pooped on me, urinated on me, spat up on me, and for some reason you scream at me when you are hungry, like I can just go in the kitchen and whip you something up; I don’t have boobs! You like peeing in a diaper as soon as I put it on, and you somehow urine spontaneously appears on your clothing (and mine). Watching me do laundry is not funny, so don’t laugh. That wasn’t a laugh? Oh, you pooped again… back to the changing table! Let’s see if we can get the wall this time! How does it keeping getting on my hands? These may sound like complaints, but rest assured.. Every diaper I change, every bit of urine I wring out of my clothes, every projectile poop assault on my skin, every sleepless night, every single waking moment that I spend with you is more special than anything I’ve ever experienced. I’ll gladly take all of it and more. I love you, uncontrollably.



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