Today’s Appointment. Eviction Notice. Labor? 3

Wooo! Well we had an exciting appointment today!   You were being lazy today, and when I mentioned it to the Dr, she was a little concerned and wanted you hooked up for a Non-Stress Test (NST) where they basically make sure your heart rate is okay and you move around sufficiently over the span of 20 minutes.     So, the NST actually turned into a Stress Test because I’m having regular contractions!   It was really neat to see them on the machine, and to watch your heart rate when you’d get really mad at all the squeezing!    Every one in the office thought the Dr was going to send me straight to Labor & Delivery, but she suggested we go home, eat some dinner, and see if they continue.  She made a good point that it’d be harder on me to go in at night time and have to stay up all night then push after being exhausted.  However, if the contractions continue, I can go back in whenever I want!    WOW!!

I’m 3 cm dilated and 80% thinned.  You are on your way my man.   If the contractions don’t continue as strongly then she will break my water bright and early Thursday morning.  SO this is it.  Your eviction notice.  One way or the other, you are coming into the world this week!

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3 thoughts on “Today’s Appointment. Eviction Notice. Labor?

  • Katie

    Dear Lucas,
    I cannot wait to meet you… I am so excited ! Your mommy won’t let me come in to town early so I’m going to check on her every 30 minutes .

    You are already my absolute favorite person in the world. I know you will be just as smart as your mom, as talented as your dad, and as funny as your coolest aunt katie.

    The last nine months have been amazing, we have had parties for you, built a nursery for you, shopped for you and waited for you .

    The time for me to finally meet you is near Lucas,

    I am so proud of you already baby boy.

    I love you

  • Deb

    I was thinking of you today and now I know why! I’m excited to hear how things go and see pictures of Lucas! May everything go well… :-) deb

  • Aunt Pat

    Positive thoughts for a safe happy delivery. I feel as though I already know you Lucas. Birth – Oh what a relief it is!!!!!