37 weeks- Belly Update 2

37 weeks

Total Weight Gain– almost 35 pounds

Cravings– Your Dad has been making me homemade popcorn that he cooks on the stove and then lightly seasons and it is SO good.  Also, fresh peaches over vanilla ice cream.   YUM!

Sleep-  Hmph.  Sleep.  My joints have started aching at night, especially in my fingers and toes, so that’s fun.  And hip pain. And being large.   It makes sleeping very difficult.  Ugg!

Symptoms-  Always heartburn.  I’m almost getting tired of even typing it.  In fact, now that we’re talking about it, I’m going to go take a Tums.   Also as I mentioned above, aching joints.  And pain everywhere.  Oh and I’m HOT!  I mean it is record temperatures but still even when other people aren’t hot, I am!  And I have to wear gloves and closed-toe shoes in the lab at work.  Very very hot.

Nursery Update-  DONE! And it turned out fantastic :)  We have even mounted a video camera so we can see you sleeping in your crib without having to get out of bed,  and new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Baby Update-  As of this past Monday you were considered full-term.  WOOOOO!  It could honestly be any day now even though my due date is not until the 23rd.  At my appointment yesterday I had already progressed to 2 cm dilated, and 60-70% thinned out.  I asked if she could feel your head yet, and she said “oh yeah! I’m poking on it right now!”  It looks like you may come early!  Wowzers!   I’ve been having Braxton Hicks contractions, which are basically practice contractions to get my body ready for labor.  Now that you’re full term, it’s not so scary.

Also on some not-so-good news, I tested positive as a carrier for Group B Strep.  Basically they test every pregnant woman between their 35-37th week of pregnancy, and 25%-30% of women are carriers.   It means that I will have to be given IV antibiotics during labor (for at least 4 hours before you’re born) to prevent you from getting it.   With the antibiotics there is only a 1:4000 chance that you will get it, but the consequences can be very severe.  SO, that was a bummer.  However, they have assured me that as long as I take the antibiotics, it’s really not a big deal.  I hope they’re right!

Everything is ready for you now baby man, your Dad and I are anxiously awaiting your arrival!


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