31 Weeks- Belly Update 2

31 Weeks

Total Weight Gain– Up 26 pounds total

Cravings– Actually I think I am getting less hungry because you are squishing my stomach!  That may change in the future when I want to eat everything is sight, we’ll see!

Sleep-  Ehhhhh.  So, in addition to peeing multiple times a night, I’ve also started waking up and then not being able to fall back to sleep for about 1.5-2 hrs.  I suppose I should get used to it for when you’re born, but for now I sure would like some rest!

Symptoms- Always heartburn.   The leg cramps are getting worse and more frequent, and this week my hips realllllly hurt.  I suppose they are spreading to get ready for your birth. But MAN it hurts!!

Nursery Update-  YAY!!!! The nursery furniture came in!!!  Your Dad put it together on the very same day that it arrived!  We’re now looking at what bedding we want, I think I’m going to have to have it made because apparently it is too much to ask to have cool bedding  that doesn’t have animal prints, or boats, or anything else all over it.   Less is more people!

Baby Update-  Well Mr. Man, we went to the Dr yesterday, and you are measuring 3lbs 10 oz.  That puts you in the 43% percentile and the Dr said that was great and you are one day ahead of your due date.   My placenta has moved up out of the way, so I don’t have to have a mandatory  c-section. Yay!   You were in the head down position and your feet were up by your head, so you were completely folded in half with your butt in my ribs!  We got to see you wave your little finger around at us, and it was so cute!      They also did a 3D pic of your face, and you definitely have fatter cheeks than the last time we got to see you!   Since we are so close to the end (under 9 weeks!) I now start going to our appointments every 2 weeks so the Drs can keep an eye on everything.  You’ve been having hiccups that make you really mad so you start squirming around all over the place.   According to the baby books, you are about 16 inches long (they don’t actually measure you at the Dr’s office anymore because you are so big and squished up) and about the size of a pineapple.  All 5 of your senses are in working order, although your nose won’t pick up anything until after you’re born since smell is transferred through air.

In other exciting baby news, we hired your nanny today! Her name is Elyse, we think she will be the perfect person to care for you when we have to go back to work.  Yay! Another thing checked off of our To-Do List!  What a relief :)

Here are the 3 ultrasound photos from the appointment including one of your boy parts! (Sorry, I know this will be soooo embarrassing when you’re older!) 









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