Lucas- March 2015 1

 My sweet Lucas Walter,

Another month is gone, and the changes in you are happening faster than I can blink!  This was your first whole month at being a big brother.  You are a rock star brother!  You absolutely love your sister.  A LOT! You constantly want to hold and play with her.  You always want to lay your head on her, and move her arms and legs around, and kiss her and hug her.  We’re still working with you on being gentle, hopefully you’ll learn that soon- haha! We’ve been very careful to make sure you get enough attention now that baby sister is here.  You get lots of lovin’ from everyone.   The age where you are right now is definitely the most difficult we’ve encountered so far.  You are testing boundaries left and right, with plenty of time-outs.  You often hear us saying “Lucas- what happens if you don’t listen to your Mama?” and you say “Bime-Out”.  You also often hear us counting to give you a warning before time out… 1…2……………3!  If I get to 3 then you go to time out.  You still like to wait until the verrrrrrrry last moment before you comply with what I’m asking.  It’s challenging for sure, but you are also still the sweet cuddly boy who loves to climb in my bed in the mornings and snuggle.  And who insists on hugging and kissing his Mama and Baby Sister before he leaves the house with Daddy in the morning, who told me this morning “My love you so much Mama” and is still a complete Daddy’s Boy.

We’ve had a lot of visitors to love on you and your sister this month-  of course your Grammy came many times, your Aunt Jera came up from TN, Aunt Katie, Uncle Michael, Deanna, Elyse, Desiree, Andi, Desmond, Doris, Justin, Lindsey, Auntie Brooks,  Auntie Alaina, and Auntie Woods and even Ashley Davenport all the way from England!  You loved getting to play with everyone.  Your Aunt Jera brought you a basketball outfit when she came, and you call it your basketball suit. Since it was cold out when she came, you put it on over your clothes for several days straight, even though it was dirty.  I kept putting it in the laundry basket to wash, but you would be so excited to wear it when you got home from Elyse’s that I would let you take it back out to put it on.  Every time you shot a basket you would look down at your shirt and smile.  Sweet boy.   Your Aunt Katie took you to your very first Japanese Hibachi grill and you loved watching the guy cook in front of us, especially the fire and eating with your chopsticks.  You were not as pleased when he squirted you with water and the toy looked like it was peeing on you.  Hahaha!

Oh! And this month your new baby cousin, Grandin Slater Coe, was born.  You went to the hospital to meet him when he was born, and of course we took lots of pictures.  I’m sure you’re used to that by now…your Mom is a self-proclaimed photoholic. 😉   It will be so fun to watch you, your sister, and your cousin grow up together.  You kept saying TWO BABIES!  And wanted to hold Emme in one arm and Grandin in the other arm.  You love your Muncle Mike’s baby!  Now every time you see a baby who isn’t Emme you say “that’s Muncle Mike’s baby!”

Your vocabulary is ever expanding, and you are speaking so so well.  You are very curious, and like to ask “why?” and “what’s that”, and especially “what’s that loud noise?”   even if the noise isn’t loud haha.    You like to announce every time you toot.  And you love taking baths, helping Daddy cook dinner and love to make fresh squeezed orange juice.  You love digging in the dirt, riding bikes, playing basketball, coloring, bubbles, making messes, building forts, playing with your tools and eating oatmeal (with dinosaur eggs in it).  Your favorite show is still Curious George, and behind George you pretty much love all other cartoons.

While sometimes a challenge, you remain our sweet, intelligent, funny, quirky, amazing little boy.  We love you so much Lucas Walter.  Forever and ever.






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