Lucas- February 2015 Meeting your baby sister

Hi my baby (big) boy,

February 2015 rocked your world.  Your baby sister was born.  She made you a big brother.  You are so so so excited that she is here.  You love to kiss her, hold her, rock her, burp her.  You are so loving (sometimes a bit too loving!  You don’t quite understand that you can squish her).   We made sure that you have been showered with attention so that you don’t feel jealous.  Your Grammy came back from Australia a couple days before Emme was born and you loved the one-on-one attention playing with her.  She even slept in bed with you!

Here’s the story of meeting your sister for the very first time:   Since she was born in the late evening, you had to wait until the next day to meet her.  You were staying at Elyse’s house while we were in the hospital with Emme (your first sleepover away from home and you were so excited!).  When you were told that she was finally born, you ran to the front window and looked out at the street to watch for her.   On Monday, when Emme were less than one day old you got to meet your baby sister.  You ran into our hospital room wearing your “Big Brother” T-shirt, and exclaiming “Where’s my baby sister?!?”  You immediately wanted to hold and kiss her.  You have been obsessed with her ever since!!

Because your baby sister loves you soooo much, she even bought you presents from inside my tummy! Wow!  You got to open them  at the hospital-  a remote control car, a Curious George book, and a Curious George stuffed animal-  all given to you by baby sister!!  You kept saying “Thank you baby sister! Thank you!”     You also brought a gift to give to your baby sister.  A couple weeks before she was born, we took you to the baby store so you could pick out  a present to give her. You picked out a teal owl, which is perfect considering you sleep with your own owl every night at home.    You “helped” her open the present, and immediately wanted her to play with it.

You got to hang out at the hospital with us for several hours, wanting to hold your baby sister the whole time.  Ever since the day that you first met her, you haven’t wanted to be separated from her.  Every morning you run out and say “Where’s my baby sister? Where’s Emme?”  You get really mad if we don’t let you hold her.    If she cries you pat her and say “it’s otay, it’s otay, don’t cry!  My here. My here.”  You love to have her sit in your lap while you watch tv, it was so surreal the first day that we were home as a family of 4, me, you, and Emme were on the couch watching Curious George, and it hit me.  I have TWO kids.  Amazing.  We’re a family of 4.

Since you’re such a great big brother, lots of people have gotten you presents in addition to the gifts your baby sister got you.  Aunt Jera sent in a skateboard scooter to help you celebrate, Aunt Katie and Grammy gave you balloons and a stuffed animal.  PopPop and Grammy sent lots of gifts from Australia for you too.  Elyse got you a present, and Doris got you a present.  Daddy and I have given you lots of presents too.  You certainly have no shortage of attention, and gifts.  You will always be our best boy, and no one can ever take that from you.  Just remember that you are loved.  No matter how many people are in our family, we will always love you, our first baby.  Our son.

I can promise you one thing my boy, you will have a best friend for life.  No one messes with Lucas’s little sister.  You are such a great big brother already, and your sister adores you already.  It makes us so proud to be your parents.  We love you Lucas Walter.








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