To Emelyn- Over Half Baked! and 22 Week Belly Update 1

Baby Girl Emelyn,

You are over half baked now!  I can’t believe it!  I feel you squirming and kicking all the time.  You are SO strong.  For weeks now Daddy has been able to feel you even on the outside!    We went to the OB for your 20 week anatomy scan where they measure all of your organs and bones and make sure everything looked good.  You measured perfect!  Your Daddy, Grammy, and PopPop all got to be at the ultrasound.  Immediately when the technician put the ultrasound probe on my belly, you popped up your hand and made the U of L sign!  My Dad (PopPop) could not have been more pleased!  He exclaimed you  were already a Cards fan!!  Our technician was a UK fan, so she wasn’t very happy about that!  They measured all of your bones, and counted all of your fingers and toes.  They checked your brain, and your heart, your kidneys, and everything else there is to look at.  Oh yeah, and I made sure you were still a girl! You were moving a lot, and we loved getting to see you trying to eat your hand, turn your head, and rub your eyes.  Our technician switched over to 3D so we got to see your actual face, and you look SO much like your big brother Lucas did at this stage.  The 3D is awesome to see in person, but because you were moving so much, the photos of it looks a little tiny bit strange.  As you grow, you will pick up those chubby cheeks, and little layers of baby fat all over.  Me, Daddy, Grammy and Poppy got to watch you for about 30 minutes total, it was so fun.   On the day of the ultrasound ( 19 weeks 4 days) you measured 11 ounces and had a heartbeat of 149 bpm.  Keep growing baby girl!

Belly Update- 22 Weeks

Total Weight Gain- 4 pounds (as of my last Dr’s appt at 19 weeks 4 days), but I think more like 7 or 8 lbs now at 22 weeks

Sleep-  Mediocre, I definitely struggle with bouts of pregnancy insomnia

Symptoms- Whyyyyyy won’t my nausea go away? Seriously, I am weeks past where I was with your brother when I stopped having to take anything..  I am glad to report that at least it has gotten better.  I was taking 3 meds to stop me from throwing up, and I’m down to one.  I have repeatedly tried to cut out this last medicine, to no avail.  Just this week I cut the pill from a whole one to 2/3 and threw up my guts.  You are bound and determined to give me hell!   Oh yeah, and heartburn has already started.  For now 2 tums is taking care of it.  You are getting so big that you’re beginning to move up towards my lungs so I get out of breath much easier now too.  It’s certainly not been a fun pregnancy thus far, but all this pain is so worth it to bring you, our daughter, into this world.

Cravings- I have been eating a lot of fruit, just like I did with your brother.  I have an apple every morning (cut up with lemon juice squeezed on it), and normally at least one other fruit during the day.  I have also been wanting a lot more sweets than last time.  Hopefully that means you’ll be extra sweet :)  Oh and chocolate ice cream.  Any ice cream for that matter.

Nursery- We ordered your nursery furniture on Friday- yippee!  It takes 8 weeks to come in, so we wanted to go ahead and get it done.  We have decided on your theme, and hope it will be awesome!  Travel!  One of our favorite things to do in the whole wide world!  And it’s so near and dear to our hearts.  Your Dad and I have done many travels together, and I’m sure we all will together as a family when you get older.   We are pulling up old stained boards from your room, and putting in new ones, tearing down old wall boards, and redoing them.  We’ve ordered in some supplies to do some cool stuff to your room, and we are still deciding on the final paint shades, even though we know what colors we want.

Baby- You weigh about a pound, and are around 11- 12 inches long, the length of a papaya.  Grow! Grow! Grow!



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One thought on “To Emelyn- Over Half Baked! and 22 Week Belly Update

  • Deanna

    Your ultrasound pictures are GREAT! Emmy’s cousin curls up in a tight ball like her Daddy and wont show us much all at once. Just leaving it all a surprise til the end I suppose. However, the gender was revealed to a probing Dr. We finally learn the gender of Baby Coe the day after tom! Yay!!