Baby Bubby,
We got the most AMAZING NEWS yesterday!  Your head is normal and you don’t have to have surgery! Woooooooooo!  This made your Dad and myself so incredibly happy, we both cried (good tears!) when the Dr told us. He said the ridges on your head were something that happens around 2 months of age (your 2 month birthday was yesterday) when the brain starts to dehydrate a bit and the skull temporarily collapses down on itself a little.  I don’t know much more about it, besides it’s NORMAL!

You did great during your CT and did not need to be sedated.  You slept through the whole thing on your own, you did fantastic!  It really couldn’t have gone better.  They told us to bring you hungry so I could feed you and then you’d go to sleep, so that was the plan.  Well, apparently there was a miscommunication between the registration desk and the CT people, because we waited for almost an hour there before I finally called up the department to ask when I could feed my starving baby.  It had been 4.5 hours since you had eaten last (and normally you are every 2.5-3 hours).  I couldn’t even hold you because you get really upset if you’re hungry and I won’t nurse you.  So Dad walked you around and bounced you.   You were so good, you didn’t even cry (except for in the car when we got stuck in traffic and you were mad).  You were smacking your lips and turning your head side to side to let us know you wanted food, but between Daddy bouncing you and all the new stuff to look at, you didn’t have a meltdown.  Right after I called the CT desk, they apologized and said they’d be right there to get us.  In that 2 minute time period you feel asleep, and slept through the whole scan.  It was amazing.  Your Dad and I put on lead aprons and stayed in the room with you.  We held hands and watched you in the machine, silently willing you to stay still and asleep, and you did :)  We got to take some cool pictures of the 3D CT scan too (shown here)!

Overall we were so pleased with Dr Moriarty, and so thankful to everyone who helped us find his name.   We love you little boy, and your perfectly lumpy head :)

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