6 Weeks 2

Dear Lucas Walter,

Wow, today you are 6 weeks old… SIX WEEKS!  Holy moly, I can’t believe it!! You continue to change each and every day!  You are making really good eye contact, especially when I feed you, you love to stare at me.   You are also smiling on purpose now.  Just last week you really couldn’t figure out how to smile on purpose, you would open your mouth wide like you were trying to eat us instead.  This week you’re much more coordinated :)   You still hate tummy time, but are becoming much better at it.  You giggle and smile in your sleep and it is adorable!  Your favorite thing to look at is the ceiling fan.   You also got a new toy this week called Freddie the Firefly, and you love to watch him too (here is a little 15 second video of you watching Freddie:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4diOQSJsQvo&feature=g-upl )

And here’s a cute little video from 8/22/12 of you that we made for Daddy while he was at work  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=cEk6STB30JE

You are wearing a lot of 3-6 month clothes and you are only 6 weeks old…. big boy!!  You poop and toot like an old man, and your favorite place to nap is still right on me.  Feel free to start sleeping through the night any time now, ha!  This week you are waking up twice a night, which wouldn’t be so bad if you just ate and went back to sleep, but you take a while to settle back down and are  VERY noisey until finally fall into your deep sleep like an hour and a half later.   Mommy and Daddy like their sleep so hopefully you’ll figure this out soon!  I think you went through your 6 week growth spurt because you were eating constantly and a bit fussier than normal.  Things seem to be returning to normal though (I think?)… fingers crossed!  You’ve started a new habit that if I don’t let you nurse when you want to go to sleep, you throw a fit.  Hopefully you behave well for your nanny Elyse, eek!

Dad and I also took you out to the baby store and I carried you in a carrier for the first time.  You loved looking up at all the lights, but it hurt my back so we’re going to try to figure out my other carrier to see if it’s any better.  Some of these baby contraptions are like trying to solve a complicated puzzle!

Overall you are still such a joy to be around.  I love when you’re milk drunk and just collapse on me.  I love when you smile and giggle at us.  I love how much your Daddy loves you.  I love YOU!










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2 thoughts on “6 Weeks

  • Deb

    That is so cool he is smiling at you! Kai took a little longer to get to the smile stage but he sure is a happy baby now. Yeah, fitting baby clothes is silly. We are already putting Kai in 18 month old clothes and he will be 10 months in a couple of days…whatever. Just remember-THERE IS NO NORMAL. He will just keep changing and as soon as you settle into a pattern something else will happen. LIke he starts teething… I hope you have a better sleeping baby – our only two nights that Kai has slept through were after vaccinations and I didn’t sleep because I was worried! He sure is CUTE though. Good job on that =-)