10 Month Update 2

Hi Baby!  Wow-o-wow I can’t believe it’s time to write another monthly update ( late again, this update doesn’t include the last week of May yet).  This month has been jam packed full of firsts for you.  You went to your first Derby party, and we bet on the Derby winner!  Wooo!  Your Poppy is the best horse handicapper I know, so we always bet what he tells us to.  You also attended your first Lamb Roast.  It was the 43rd annual roast.  Your Great-Grampa Evanoff started it 43 years ago, can you imagine that?  Your Daddy wakes up early in the morning and puts a whole lamb on a spit and roasts it all day long, then our family and friends get together and hang out to celebrate the Derby weekend.  It’s always a great time, even if it was a bit chilly this year.

On May 9th, Daddy and I celebrated 5 years of marriage and 11 years of being together.  I plan all the odd year anniversaries, and Daddy plans the even years, so this year was my year.   On our actual anniversary we went and got a couples massage, and went out to a nice dinner at a french restaurant while you stayed home with Elyse.  Since we couldn’t muster the courage to take a getaway without you, I surprised Daddy with a cabin in Red River Gorge for just the three of us.  It sat on the edge of a canyon and had such beautiful views.  All 3 of us had a great time.     We also celebrated my first mother’s day.  And I love love love being your mother!  You and Daddy gave me flowers, and a card, and made me pancakes, and got me a ‘Mommy and Me’ photo session.  What a perfect gift for someone who loves pictures as much as I do!

You are over 20 lbs and still tall as ever, you babble a lot now and will say Mama, and Dada on command.  You wave hi and bye bye a lot, and love to “strum” on your bottom lip and make noises.  You also love standing up, and can even walk behind your toy (see the video from mother’s day here:  http://youtu.be/5FwPFJwtzoA   )   You will get up on your hands and knees, but still will only do the army crawl. Another adorable video from several weeks ago can be seen here: http://youtu.be/xO2NjuXqhDc.    Balls are now your favorite toy, but you still love to play your piano and drums.   You still use your middle fingers for everything.   It’s really funny.  In fact, you’re a really funny kid.  You love when people laugh at you, and will repeat whatever you’re doing to make them laugh again.    You also will coast and walk around your toys while holding on to them.   You are quite particular and like things a certain way, otherwise you’ll let us know you’re not pleased.   You aren’t as interested in story time anymore, pretty much trying to eat the books instead.   We still read to you every night though.   You still throw up any time we feed you food that isn’t pureed… so that’s fun (and messy).     You looooove to dance.  Daddy will beat-box and you will open your mouth wide and move your arms and legs.  It’s hilarious!     Oh and your nemesis is still the car, you H.A.T.E the car.  Why?  WHY?  Uggg, it’s no fun in the car with you, that’s for sure.  Hopefully you grow out of that soon.

I love you soooo much baby boy.   I love you to the moon and back!

















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